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Role attribute with multiple values

In what cases may be necessary to set multiple values for a role attribute, and how browsers and screen readers deal with this.

  • ARIA
  • HTML

Everything you need to know about ARIA Live Regions

If you have a dynamically changing part of a page and you're thinking about making it accessible, there may be a legitimate question about how to do it. In the past, assistive technologies (including screen readers) didn't know how to handle them properly. Now the problem of accessibility of dynamically changing page content can be solved with ARIA.

  • HTML
  • Screen readers

CSS media feature to improve accessibility

What custom settings come and how to take them into account in web interfaces. You will learn about media features that track animation settings, contrast, transparency, inversion, colour scheme and forced colour mode.

  • CSS
  • Usability

Understanding skip links

How to help users to skip large chank of a page content, whose these users are, and how to implement it on your website.